Savera Nadeem is a British nationality holder Pakistani girl. Savera Nadeem is here to help her Pakistani girls / boys to go UK for study. Savera Nadeem born in notable family of Lahore and is active for women rights in Pakistan.She says Pakistani students, holding a Pakistani passport, have to apply for a visa / entry certificate provided you have an unconditional offer of a place at a university, college or school and adequate funds to support yourself.

Therefore, although the all the rules & regulations are obvious, and strict, so you must ensure that all your paperwork is in proper order.

The British High Commission Islamabad is accepting all student applications. These applications must be submitted through the nearest Gerry’s / FedEx office or through the British Council’s student select scheme, and must be accompanied by full supporting documentary evidence. Students required the following original and photo copies for their visa application pack to send to the British Council with the following documents: